Sunday, May 25, 2008

SC Works Toward Helping and Banning Pit Bulls Simultaneously

From the Columbia Star:

Chance, an eight-month male pit bull, and Carmella, a one- year female pit bull graduated from obedience school, the second phase of the rehabilitation in the Humane Society's program to get them ready for a new life with a permanent family.

Chance and Carmella were put on the fast track of the "recycle- a- bull" project (a program of the HSPCA that takes pit bulls from abusive- /neglectful situations and rehabilitates them to become adoptable companion pets). From there, they were fostered in homes to become socialized, a crucial step to acclimate their comfort level with humans and other dogs. Eight weeks of obedience training followed.

Their graduation falls on the heels of a new bill, 5010, introduced by Rep. Jeffery Duncan, that specifically names pit bulls as dangerous animals and leaves interpretation of any other "dangerous" breeds up to local government to ban or put further regulations on. These proposed changes to section 47- 3- 710 of the South Carolina Code of Laws places the blame and burden of responsibility on the breed, not the irresponsible owner.

Full story here.

The full text of SC House Bill 5010 can be found here. The line about a dangerous animal can not be determined "solely by virtue of its breed" has been stricken. If you want to contact Rep. Duncan regarding this piece of proposed legislation, his contact info is below. Here is what the HSPCA wrote to Rep. Duncan.

Representative Jeffrey D. Duncan
District 15 - Laurens & Newberry Cos.
327B Blatt Bldg.
Columbia, SC 29201



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