Monday, December 1, 2008

187 "Rescued" Dogs Killed in Houston

I am deeply saddened and disappointed to learn that all 187 dogs saved from the Houston dogfighting ring have been killed by their "rescuers". BAD RAP tells it like it is:
They did it. They went for the easy out: The most convenient, economical way to deal with an unwanted excess of abuse victims.

Thank goodness they don't "help" battered women, I guess. Read the entire post.


  1. [quote]Thank goodness they don't "help" battered women, I guess.[/quote]

    ..or children abused by parents/caretakers....or victims of pedophiles or ....

    How does killing victims of ANY type of abuse make ANY sense to ANYONE?

  2. A couple possibilities come to mind: Selective ignorance or outright cruelty. Not sure which I prefer in my "rescuer"...

  3. How sad that people who make their livings as professional dog people have so little compassion.
