Wednesday, December 3, 2008

UPDATED: Atlanta Authorities Seek Tips in Cruelty Case

A man walking his dogs in Murphy Candler Park in Atlanta, GA came across a dog that had been beaten with a hammer and left for dead:

Robert Kennedy found Murphy while walking his own dogs in the park.

He told Channel 2 Action News that the dog was wrapped in a blanket, but not far away was a hammer with blood on the handle.

"Whoever did this to a dog is just awful," Kennedy said.

The dog did not have a collar or a microchip. So the doctors at VCA Pets are People Too, an animal hospital about a mile from the park, named him Murphy for the park where he was found.

The hospital's Dr. Stephen Pope said Murphy has a fractured skull and will likely lose his left eye, but he is hopeful about his recovery. Provided Murphy is stable, he hopes to operate Wednesday.

If you have any information about Murphy, please contact Dekalb County Animal Control at 404-294-2996. Paws up to all the good samaritans helping to save this poor dog.

UPDATE: I got in touch with the good people at the vet clinic caring for this dog and they said the gentleman who found him has set up a fund for his care at Wachovia. Donations can be made at any Wachovia bank in the US, just specify the account: Murphy The Dog.


  1. Thank you for posting as I jsut wrote about this on my blog as well. Sickening period... I would like to use a hammer on the perp just so they know what the dog felt and how helpless he felt too. Anyhow, I am surprised the vet hospital hasn't set up some fund to help defer the costs and the long road to recovery. Kudos to the Dr. Pope and to Robert Kennedy for getting help!

    Be good, stay well,
    Stuart in NYC.

  2. Mercifully, there are some Vets (I worked for some many years ago) who routinely donate their services in full to strays in need. They don't usually make the news but without their kind hearted help, the stray pet world would be a little harsher.

  3. This is absolutely disgusting. As an active duty Marine of 21 years, it sickens me to see how people intentionally inflict cruelty upon an animal that they are resposible. This poor dog never saw it coming and I would suspect the owner is laughing at his/hers deed and the attention it is getting. If by chance there is some sort of fund to help this dog, please let me know at

  4. I am trying to find out if there is a fund set up to donate for "Murphy". Will post if I get some info.

  5. I'm always gratified at the way people step in to help an animals that has been so cruelly mistreated. You're right, they are seldom singled out for their work, but they revive our faith in our species.

  6. I was just reading another update and they have arrested a 48-year old jackass for one count of felonius animal cruelty in this specific event.

    I wish i was there right now with a sledgehammer...
