Thursday, December 25, 2008

What was Under Your Tree Today?

Apparently I was very good this year (who knew, right?) and Santa brought me some great pressies from my wishlist:

1. Redemption by Nathan Winograd

2. The Pit Bull Placebo by Karen Delise

Note: If you are wanting to pick up either/both of these books with some of that Xmas cash you got in your stocking, you can go to Caveat's site and find them on the left hand side. If you click thru to Amazon via Caveat, a portion of the sales go to the Banned Aid Coalition which is like getting a gift for yourself and giving a gift to a good cause at the same time.

3. A 14 oz. tub of dried liver treats which I'm going to pulverize in the food processor for use in dog treat recipes.

4. Two cookie sheets to make all those treats on (you don't want to know all the makeshift things I've been using to bake treats on - cookie sheets, your time has come!)

5. Pedipaws. (Nail grinder thingy you've prolly seen the commercials for on TV.) Now see, this is how much Billy hates nail clipping cos actually, he doesn't even do the clipping, I do. He helps hold a few of the dogs who require assistance (Emily requires "assistance" from a secure muzzle in addition to a steadier so she doesn't devour my face in Chihuahua sized bites while getting her nails trimmed). Anyway, he got us the Pedipaws so we'll be acclimating the dogs to it in the coming weeks (soon as we get the required batteries - doh!) and see how it goes. If I get any startling results, I'll post about it again. Congratulations Pedipaws on successfully marketing to Billy!

Please share your Xmas loot in the comments if you like.


  1. I got what I deserve - nothing. Well, I have peace and quiet and lots of good food to prepare for my Christmas dinner on Saturday and of course my beloved little familiars are here with me.

    Merry Christmas, YesBiscuit! Enjoy your books, they are both excellent.


    Your Friends in Canada

  2. I got a couple of books and cooler thingy to put my computer on.

    The pedipaws is nice. We got one a while ago. The dogs don't mind it and it's super easy to use. Since I already had a dremel, I just got the adapter thingy. $20 well spent.

  3. I've never read a book that totally changed my views on everything I had believed like Redemption. I really think it will change social views on pet shelters and organizations that are supposed to be protecting them, but instead are killing them

  4. I saw that they started selling pedipaws in walgreens! I bought a Peticure over the summer. I'm sure it works great, it's just that I was worried that Loki would try to bite my hand off because he hated the noise that it makes. Hopefully I can use click and treating to get him comfortable with it...
