Saturday, January 31, 2009

Action Alerts for Seized Dogs in Wilkes County

The owner of the 127 Pitbulls seized in Wilkes County, NC in December did not meet a January 15 deadline to pay a $53,000 ransom boarding fee imposed by authorities and therefore forfeited rights to his dogs. Wait, there's more:

There are more than 127 dogs now, because several of the dogs have had litters. The dogs are being held at undisclosed locations because authorities say they are valuable evidence in a criminal investigation.

If the dogs' owner is found guilty, the dogs that were seized will be euthanized, county officials said. County officials said they have never had puppies born to dogs that were seized. They will ask for a court ruling on the disposition of the puppies and the other dogs.


Even if Faron [the owner] is acquitted, the dogs would still belong to the county if he doesn't meet the deadline.

Nice little scheme you're running there Wilkes County. Did ya think that up all by yourself?

The raid capped a three-year investigation by the Humane Society of the United States, in cooperation with Wilkes County authorities.

Oh. I see. So I suppose the HSUS will be providing some sort of guidance on what to do with these dogs?

John Goodwin, the manager of animal-fighting issues for the Humane Society of the United States, said yesterday that he couldn't recall a case in which puppies were born to dogs after the dogs were seized. Still, he said, such puppies would probably be euthanized if the owner is convicted of dog fighting.

"It's kind of tough with the puppies, because the characteristics that the dog fighters want are selected for by breeding," he said.

He said that the Humane Society uses an expert who could evaluate the dogs and puppies if the county decides to have them evaluated.

Gee, thanks HSUS. From your previous record on Pitbull killing rescuing and the statements you've made regarding this case, I think we can kinda guess how your "expert" would evaluate these dogs. I assume the methods employed would be similar to those used by the Houston SPCA. That is: kill secretly, kill quickly, keep asking the public for money to "help" pets.

There is one hope to save some of the dogs. Best Friends has reached out to Wilkes County authorities:
Ledy VanKavage, Best Friends Senior Legal Analyst, has been in touch with North Carolina County Attorney Tony Triplet and Animal Control Director, Junior Simmons, to offer help and discuss alternatives to euthanasia. Best Friends is willing to send a certified applied behaviorist out to evaluate the dogs and puppies. Of those who do well, Best Friends will fund their sterilization and transportation to responsible rescue groups.
They've also got an action item:
Please contact each of the following individuals and respectfully ask them to accept Best Friends' offer to arrange for behavior evaluations of the dogs, assistance with spay/neuter surgeries and placement of dogs that pass a stringent behavior evaluation.

Wilkes County Board of Commissioners
110 North Street
Wilksboro, NC 28697
Phone: 336-651-7346

Wilkes County Attorney Tony Triplett
Vannoy, Colvard, Triplett & Vannoy
922 C Street
P.O. Box 1388
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: 336-667-7201
Fax: 336-838-7250

District Attorney Tom Horner
500 Courthouse Drive Suite 2022
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Phone: 336-667-6361or 667-2994
If you are a Wilkes County resident, please attend the Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, February 3 at 5pm. Voice your concern, politely and respectfully, for the seized dogs and regarding the law requiring them to be killed. Remind the Board that every dog deserves a fair evaluation.


  1. Why do media never mention that Hsus Dogfighting Czar Goodwin is a former member of ALF and a convicted felon? Not newsworthy?

    Why is it that when I read about these 'pit bull' busts and Hsus is involved, I get a chill?

    Why is this kind of thing going on, and when is President Obama going to put a stop to it?

    I just like saying President Obama, OK?
