Monday, January 12, 2009

Recipe: Sweet Oat Bars

I usually try to have one or two meat-free days for the dogs each week. Instead of using meat or fish for protein in their meals, I might feed eggs, yogurt, ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, buttermilk, or some combination of these type of foods. I still use my rough guide for the overall meal: 1/3 grains, 1/3 veggies/fruits, and 1/3 protein. Often with the meatless meals, I will include soaked oats but for a change, and because I go a little bake-crazy in Winter, I've been making oat bars for the dogs. These could also be fed as treats if desired. Here is the recipe:

6 Cups rolled oats
1 Cup flaxseed meal
1 Cup raw wheat germ
4 eggs
1/2 Cup oil (e.g. olive, canola, safflower)
1/4 Cup + 2 Tablespoons honey
1/4 Cup molasses
1 Cup milk

Mix all ingredients together. Pat onto well greased cookie sheet(s) and bake at 325 degrees F for 30 mins. Turn off oven, crack door and let cool. Break or cut into desired pieces.

Variations: I will often sprinkle some cinnamon into the mix, just because I love the smell of a cinnamon kitchen. You could also add in a can of pumpkin or some mashed bananas. Those smell great baking too and the dogs love the taste.

Note: If you are wanting to use these as treats instead of including them as part of a meal, I would suggest possibly replacing the flaxseed meal and wheat germ with equal amounts of whole wheat flour. That will help the bars stay together better for storage and handling.

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