Sunday, January 4, 2009

Southern Shelter Needs Pet Food

Shelters across the country are being hit with increased surrenders and decreased donations as the economy tanks. If you can, please consider donating your time, gently used pet supplies, or money to your local no-kill shelter.

The Shelby Humane Society in Columbiana, AL is making a plea for assistance after losing the wholesale deal they were getting on pet food. Can't another pet food vendor or local store step up and at least offer the shelter a discount on food? It's not like they are saying they won't pay for it. But hey, if somebody wants to help out with some free food, I'm sure they'd gladly accept that too.

1 comment:

  1. Dog food makers need all the good public relations they can get. I wish they would donate to shelters instead of running a lot of propaganda ads to get public support.
