Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dare Co, NC Alert and New Article on Vick Dogs

Dare County, NC considers BSL:

The recent murder of a pet by two pit bulls has drawn the attention of both state and county leaders.

The dogs responsible for the attack were euthanized on Jan. 30 after the owner gave permission to the Dare County SPCA to do so.

Following the Jan. 19 attack on Jazz, a labrador belonging to Mark and Diane Kent of Poor Ridge Road in Kitty Hawk, the animals were returned to their owner, Nikki Canady, pending a $25 fine per dog. Denise Lambiotte, director of the animal shelter, noted the county's ordinances did not give authority to the SPCA to either keep or euthanize the animals.

Kitty Hawk Police Department issued a leash law violation to Canady the day of the attack, but also was unable to detain the animals. Police Chief David Ward, concerned about the danger posed to the residential neighborhood, worked with District Attorney Frank Parrish to have the dogs seized after their initial release. The motion was granted Jan. 23, and the SPCA planned to impound the dogs until Canady's court date March 24.

The initial lack of legal authority to hold the dogs outraged the community and caused concerns for lawmakers, including NC Sen. Pro Tem Marc Basnight of Manteo.

The incident also sparked discussion during the Dare County Board of Commissioners Feb. 2 meeting. During public comment, several responses were heard, all in favor of strengthening the county's dog ordinances.
"This was a home invasion and a murder, I'm for banning this type of dog and others like it," said Chairman Warren Judge.
The ordinances will be discussed at the boards Feb. 16 meeting.
Am I the only one thinking that dogs don't commit "murder"? What up with the inflammatory language Dare County? This case involves dog-dog aggression, failure of owners to properly confine their dogs and failure to enforce existing confinement laws. If Dare County is unable or unwilling to enforce the pet laws already on the books, why would we want to toss more laws on to the pile? And bad laws at that. Stop BSL has all the contact info so you can take action.


The AP has a nice follow up article on how the Vick dogs at Best Friends are doing today:

Half the Vick dogs adapted well enough to other dogs that they’re allowed to have playmates.

The others are being slowly introduced to other dogs.

They’re all being prepared for their Canine Good Citizen tests — a 10-step exam that measures things such as the ability to mingle with other dogs, deal with strangers and behave on a leash.


When Vick’s dogs were first seized, the courts received advice from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals and other humane societies, which said the animals should be euthanized because their chances of living normal lives outside a shelter or sanctuary were minimal.
Oops. Here, let me wipe that egg substitute product off your face PETA.

1 comment:

  1. I'm constantly amazed at the number of informed journalists --wait, is that an oxymoron?--who think PETA wants to protect pets. Do they just write and not read?
