Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dare Co, NC Moves Forward on Proposing BSL

Dare County initially had one set of problems, now they are compounding those by advancing the idea of breed specific legislation:
[Dare County Attorney Bobby] Outten said he is also looking into two types of breed-specific ordinances that have passed legal muster elsewhere. One would allow people to own dog breeds such as pit bulls only under certain restrictions; the other would outright ban them.

The proposals will be presented to the Board of Commissioners, probably at an April meeting, Outten said, and if the board decides to move forward on either one, a public hearing will be scheduled.

Adding insult to injury, the director of the Dare County Animal Shelter Denise Lambiotte is alerting the media to the myth(s) that wouldn't die!

Any dog left unmanaged can be dangerous, Lambiotte said.

"It's just that pits can do so much more damage," she said.

Pit bulls have powerful jaws that can lock when biting, and they are bred to attack, she said. Although they can be gentle to toddlers, the high-pitched voices of children and their sudden movements can set off pit bulls' predatory instincts, she said.

I look forward to Ms Lambiotte's presentation of the previously unknown, groundbreaking science to substantiate these claims. (She will be asked to substantiate these claims, right? I mean, the Board isn't just going to take a "Because I said so" on those claims, will they?)

Contact info - be polite, be respectful in your opposition to BSL:

County of Dare
PO Box 1000
Manteo NC 27954
(252) 475-5000

Dare Co Board of Commissioners e-mail contacts

Dare Co Attorney Bobby Outten:

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