Monday, February 9, 2009

I Copied Offa SmartDogs' Paper

A little "beet poetry" comprised of search terms resulting in visits to YesBiscuit! this weekend:

yes bisquit blog
nrc aafco
beneful peanut butter
orijen cat death paralysis
beets ok for dogs
solid gold dog food for pitbull

free sheltered dogs
Ernestine Haselden asks for ban
pitbull news 2009
peta against pit bull

1300 hundred products affected by bad peanuts
what happened to houston
what are my constitutional rights of owning a pet
is soy meal in dog food ok?
blogspot de biscuit

H/T to SmartDogs for the idea.


  1. I LOL'd when I saw that right after you gave me nods -- you posted the tag "oddball." Those who know me well would find that appropriate.

    Nice job! Yours is much more thougtful than mine. But then maybe the fact that I regularly get hits on terms like "multicolored dachshunds" and "where are the rockwilders" says something about me...

  2. Speaking of which, can you find me a polka dotted Dachshund in time for Valentine's Day? ; )

  3. Did you want the purse:

    Or the handmade toy?

    (I hope it's the purse. You may be hard-pressed to get the cute toy in time as it comes from the UK.)

  4. hahaha - OMG the toy is awesome - did you see the striped one too? They'd be great for using in a duel!
