Monday, February 16, 2009

State of NC Allows for Adoption of Seized Dogs

The 127 Pitbulls seized in Wilkes County, NC (and their many newborn pups) do not have to be killed by law even though John Goodwin of the HSUS says so. And even though Wilkes Animal Control Director Junior Simmons says so.

The state of North Carolina says different. Scroll down to nearly the bottom of this page to Article 6. Animal Subject to Illegal Treatment, (d):

In the event of forfeiture, the animal shelter may determine whether the animal is suitable for adoption and whether adoption can be arranged for the animal. The animal may not be adopted by the defendant or by any person residing in the defendant's household. If the adopted animal is a dog used for fighting, the animal shelter shall notify any persons adopting the dog of the liability provisions for owners of dangerous dogs under Article 1A of Chapter 67 of the General Statutes. [emphasis=mine]

Best Friends still has an offer on the table for Wilkes County authorities:

Ledy VanKavage, Best Friends Senior Legal Analyst, has been in touch with North Carolina County Attorney Tony Triplett and Animal Control Director, Junior Simmons, to offer help and discuss alternatives to euthanasia. Best Friends is willing to send a certified applied behaviorist out to evaluate the dogs and puppies. Of those who do well, Best Friends will fund their sterilization and transportation to responsible rescue groups.
They've also got an action item:
Please contact each of the following individuals and respectfully ask them to accept Best Friends' offer to arrange for behavior evaluations of the dogs, assistance with spay/neuter surgeries and placement of dogs that pass a stringent behavior evaluation.

Wilkes County Board of Commissioners
110 North Street
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Phone: 336-651-7346

Wilkes County Attorney Tony Triplett
Vannoy, Colvard, Triplett & Vannoy
922 C Street
P.O. Box 1388
North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Phone: 336-667-7201
Fax: 336-838-7250

District Attorney Tom Horner
500 Courthouse Drive Suite 2022
Wilkesboro, NC 28697
Phone: 336-667-6361or 667-2994
If you are a Wilkes County resident, please attend the Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, February 17 at 6:30 pm. Voice your concern, politely and respectfully, for the seized dogs and mention the NC state law allowing for adoption of these dogs. Remind the Board that every dog deserves a fair evaluation.

Write, fax, call. If you need assistance with composing a letter, let me know. I will help.



  1. Hurray for North Carolina. No innocent dog should be put down for reasons few of us agree with.

  2. Judge orders dogs euthanized
