Friday, February 20, 2009

What's So Great About Tossing Puppies in a Ditch?

Nothing, as far as the puppy dumping goes, but a lot as to how the story was reported here:

Suzanne Kratz said she didn't think much about seeing a man throw something out of the back of a red pickup truck, until she realized that his street litter was actually a litter of puppies.


"They feel like instead of bringing it to a shelter where they believe they'll get killed, they think dumping the animal off might be give the animal a chance," Thompson said.


"We know that we're all faced with hard times right now, and you know this person, maybe they were laid off from their job and couldn't afford to feed them, but there are plenty of people willing to foster," Kratz said.

This happened in Montgomery County, Texas which is close to Harris County, where 187 Pitbulls were "rescued" and then secretly killed by the rescuers late last year.  So one can imagine how local folks get the idea that turning dogs in to the animal shelter might be a death sentence.  I'm happy to see that mentioned in this article.  Shelters - take note!  Your community is aware of what you do and your actions affect how people handle their pets.

In addition, I'm glad the rescuer doesn't outright condemn the person who tossed the pups.  Yeah it's a horrible deed but she extends a compassionate hand of understanding while offering a little education.  That's the way to do it.

P.S. - Watch the video of the pups - they're dang cute!  (brief commercial at beginning of vid) 


  1. One of my dogs was dropped off at a curb with her sister at around 8 weeks old. She was rescued by a client of mine who then gave her to me when she moved into a no pets condo. So these stories do have happy endings, but how sad that people think the streets make a better fate for dogs than the "shelter."

  2. Once those pups get some growth on 'em, nobuddy gonna need that Brinks burglar alarm they advertised before the story.

  3. HA - good point. They should have a pause between the commercial and the pups with the word "OR" on the screen.
