Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wilkes County NC Kills Puppies, Adult Dogs

From the Winston-Salem Journal:
Wilkes County Animal Control began this morning to euthanize more than 127 pit bulls associated with Wildside Kennels, an operation that bred fighting dogs, according to county officials. The county was carrying out a judge's order from Monday.
The dogs should all be euthanized by the end of today, county officials said. The exact number of dogs is still unclear because several litters of puppies had been born since the raid.

Barring an unexpected about-face by Wilkes Co, I'm assuming all the dogs are dead now. I'm assuming they killed all the adult dogs, who had no known history of biting, without so much as one evaluation by a qualified behaviorist. I'm assuming all the baby puppies, born in the past couple months, were taken from their dams, and killed. And I'm assuming all the bigger pups, who were seized in the original raid, who never got to grow into their big paws or figure out their floppy ears or have someone tell them to sit their waggy butt down if they want a cookie - I'm assuming they've all been killed too.

Since I'm speculating, I'll go ahead and guess that the HSUS folks are clinking their glasses tonight as they celebrate their latest success - this one currently being exhibited at the Wilkes County landfill. Humane FAIL.

Added:  Bringing up from the comment by EmilyS:  http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2009/feb/17/pit-bulls-destroyed/  So apparently 19 of the dogs killed were newborn pups, still nursing from their dams.  At least now we have a number.


  1. good post . . . . damn shame

  2. all dead


    WILKESBORO - Wilkes County Animal Control destroyed 146 pit bulls yesterday, following an order issued Monday by Superior Court Judge Ed Wilson Jr. The dogs were associated with Wildside Kennels, whose owner, Ed Faron, 61, was convicted last week of 14 felony counts of dog fighting.
    Authorities seized 127 of the dogs in a raid on Faron's property on Dec. 10, 2008. The rest of the dogs have been born since the raid. The county had acknowledged that some litters had been born, but yesterday was the first time the county released the actual number of dogs involved.
    According to the judge's ruling, state law defines dogs as dangerous if they are involved in a dog fighting operation and a county ordinance requires that dangerous dogs be destroyed. Authorities said that Faron bred and sold fighting dogs.
    The raid was the result of a 3-year investigation by The Humane Society of the U.S., in cooperation with Wilkes County Animal Control and the Wilkes County Sheriff's Office. Representatives of The Humane Society told the judge that the dogs should be destroyed, because they had been bred for generations to be aggressive.
    A number of animal rescue groups had offered to place the dogs, but none of their representatives were at Monday's hearing when the judge was considering what should happen to the dogs.

  3. There was absolutely no excuse for this slaughter :(

    It almost genuinely does look like the HSUS is targeting this breed to have them eradicated...and people support this organization?

    What a sad day :(
