Friday, March 13, 2009

Irish Court Orders Man Convicted of Cruelty to Fly Right

Often I lament the lack of follow up stories in the media because I am one of those who wonders how things turn out.  This case in Ireland does not lack for follow up but there appears to be inconsistent reporting (different outlets) on the fate of the dog. 

December 17, 2007 - an injured Pitbull was found in the trunk of a man's car at a checkpoint in Ireland. The dog was seized and the man charged with cruelty.

October 16, 2008:

A 51-YEAR-OLD man has pleaded guilty to cruelty to a pitbull terrier, which a judge believes had been involved in an organised dog-fighting ring.

Gary Griffin, Raheen Park, Ballyfermot, Dublin, appeared before Carlow District Court yesterday.

Mr Griffin claimed the dog had been used for fox hunting. However, Judge William Harnett said he suspected that the dog had been "engaged in animal fighting".

November 13, 2008:

The dog badly wounded in a case of animal cruelty in Carlow last September is to be put down. 

Carlow District Court ruled this week to grant the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal’s humane disposal of the dog because his injuries were so severe.
“I looked in the back of the vehicle and saw a dog which appeared to be a pit bull. He was very badly wounded, there were lacerations to his body and there was blood. He appeared to be in distress. I asked Mr Griffin if he was the owner of the dog. He said he was. I told him the dog appeared to have been badly treated and was in distress and that he needed to be seen by a vet,” she told the court. 

Gda Ruth said she seized the dog and brought him to a vet to be treated. The dog has not recovered well from the incident. 

Mr Griffin’s solicitor, Eoin O’Connor, said his client had instructed him that he had been hunting foxes with his dog and that had brought about the dogs injuries. 

“I would have the suspicion that he was engaged in dog fighting,” said Judge Harnett.

At first I wondered if this was a different dog because the date of the incident ("last September") does not coincide with the December 17, 2007 date reported elsewhere.  However, all the other details are the same so I figured it must be the same case with a date discrepancy.

March 13, 2009:

A man has been fined and ordered to behave or face jail for cruelty to a pitbull terrier which a judge believes had been used in a dog-fighting ring.

Gary Griffin (51), Raheen Park, Ballyfermot, Dublin, appeared before Carlow District Court yesterday.

Judge William Harnett also barred Griffin for life from ownership of any dog.

Garda Fiona Ruth said the dog was in a distressed state but was now in the care of the ISPCA.

So was the dog put to sleep in November or is he still living at the shelter?  At any rate, I'm glad the owner is not allowed to have any more dogs but not so sure about the good behavior IOU.  How well do those things work I wonder?


  1. The header break on this post is such that I first read, on my small laptop screen, "Irish Court Orders Man Conviced of Cruelty to Fly."

    Pulling the wings off?

  2. haha. Maybe they'd let him off with a "pledge to fly" at his soonest convenience.
