Monday, March 9, 2009

Let's Play Oddball

Trolling for bizarro animal related news stories is a total timesuck and yet, I can not stop...

Interesting story about an accident victim turned bird rescuer:
A US fireman who lost his power of speech in a traffic accident has been taught to speak again by parrots.

File this one under "...or are you just glad to see me?":
An Australian man was arrested after he was caught trying to bring two pigeons into the country hidden in his trousers.
And oh yes, there's a photo.


Cell battery dead? Never fear! All you need is 1000 hamsters in tiny jackets running on wheels.


Proof that there really is a website for everything.


Sad to report that the jaguar found and collared in AZ has died.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, you asked for it-
    It's an internet classic.
