Thursday, March 12, 2009

Treats on the Internets

Sports Illustrated has a new article on Michael Vick's possible return to the NFL.  Paws Up for including a bit on Leo but Paws Down for including PETA, who wanted Leo killed.

NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine is conducting a course in small animal nutrition in Raleigh on March 28.  I wish I could attend.  I never get bored of talking pet nutrition.

Opinion piece in the Winston-Salem Journal on the killing of the Wilkes Co dogs (scroll down)

AKC has an alert on a breeder regulatory bill in NC.

A kitten killer in Nova Scotia received a $5 fine which made me think of the kitten killer in NJ who got 5 years in prison.

A Texas man with previous convictions (unrelated to dogfighting) received a 7 year sentence when police broke up a staged dog fight on his property.  The two seized Pitbulls were killed.

Action alert: is seeking tax exempt status with the IRS.

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