Thursday, April 9, 2009

Is This Thing On?

Helloooo? Is the internets working'? Cos why, after so much hype about the HSUS "Pitbull stakeholders" meeting in Vegas yesterday, are none of the attendees posting about it? Maybe The Google is failing me but aside from Nathan Winograd's post, I haven't seen a single thing about the meeting. And his post was a full day ago, which is like, a lifetime in the blogosphere. So what gives? In this age of instant connections, why are we "non-stakeholders" being left out in the cold? What the h-e-double-loser-signs came out of the meeting?


  1. I was not at the meeting but I was at the Expo, and it's got to be the least-wired crowd I've ever seen. Other than mine and some of the presenters, I saw no laptops, and few iPhones/Blackberries. I checked my email and did a little Twitter/Facebook/PetConnection, but some of the people I was with just stood around and TALKED TO OTHER PEOPLE FACE TO FACE. It was horrible!

    I do know someone who was at the actual meeting and expect to talk to him or her this evening. I'm not sure she or he will go on the record, however.

  2. I've been following the tweets of the Expo attendees and certainly HSUS has been online all along so I would have thought there would be some news by now. But maybe the people most inclined to report are of the unplugged variety that you describe. Maybe I'll put a masking tape "X" in my window and see if I can get any info that way...

  3. Well, VERY few people were at that meeting...

  4. They're waiting for HSUS to finish writing the report and strong arm the other participants into signing, though it won't take much strong-arming as it's clear the invitees were only invited because they were not likely to object to HSUS getting its way.

    The report will pretty much be the useless mumbo jumbo that Winograd laid out. I hope Christie's wrong that the participants "wont go on the record". Why shouldn't they? Is EVERYONE afraid of the f'ing HSUS? Is NO ONE willing to stand up for the dogs?

    I truly hope I'm wrong, and the invitees will come out blasting HSUS. SOME were willing to take on PETA. HSUS is no different.

    But I'm not holding my breath.

  5. Emily, I meant that my one friend might not go on the record tonight for me, not that none of them would go on the record. I'm sure they will. I'm sure Bad Rap will be blogging about this, and so will Best Friends.

  6. Thanks Christie for the clarification. I'll look forward to hearing whatever you learn.

    I forced myself to go see if Wayne had posted anything yet.. no.

    But can you f'ing believe the way his intitial post on the expo is illustrated!!!????

    His vile hypocrisy has no bounds

  7. Why do I have the feeling that Nathan is not going to be a happy camper in a day or two.

  8. BADRAP did post on it but said "it's not appropriate to share details of the meeting" on the blog. I'm hoping someone will deem it appropriate to share details of the meeting somewhere soon. I find the whole thing a bit preposterous.

  9. No, the koolkidz have to control the information... that's how they stay kool!

    They're happy HSUS removed a webpage.. GREAT!

    When HSUS removes its spokespeople.. you know, the ones STILL being quoted in the papers, and STILL giving instructions to local ACOs to kill pit bulls, then it will be meaningfull.

  10. For those of us that couldnt attend , we hope to see info on this farce of a meeting very soon.
    I did read Wayne and his nose should be long enough for him to trip over by now . Getting a paycheque from animal slaughter should be against the law, shouldnt it?
    Wheres Nathan?
    The shot has been fired and now we need to hear it.
