Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Reward in Baltimore Cruelty Case Soars

From Unleashed:

The fund continues to grow for information leading to the arrest in the case of Phoenix, the young pit bull set on fire in Baltimore last week.

Just today the number has climbed from $3,000 to $6,000 to $8,500 -- it stands this moment at $15,500.

Here's where the money has come from:

BARCS: $7,000 (donations from individuals)

Animal Control: $1,000 (from one private organization)

Humane Society of the United States: $2,500

Baltimore Humane Society: $5,000

$15,500 reward for stepping up and telling the truth. Whatever has been preventing people with information from coming forward, hopefully the almighty dollar will inspire them to do the right thing now.

Elsewhere in the Baltimore Sun, the hero cop who saved Phoenix from burning to death in the street is interviewed.

The investigation continues.

Added, 6-4-09: Reward now at $23,500.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that the "perps" are caught soon! what were their thought processes as they did this to this dog? They must be made examples, This cannot cont to happen,makes me ashamed to be a human.Thanks to all the wonderful peeps that gave their $$
