Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Update on Case Against Walker Co Humane Society in AL

You may remember the story of the Boxer named Boost who was lost in AL and turned in to the Walker Co Humane Society by Good Samaritans where he was immediately killed before the owner could redeem him. The reason the shelter director gave for killing the dog was that he was aggressive - she implied Boost snapped at her while being dragged from a carrier via catchpole. The shelter director's exact words:
“The dog would not come out of the carrier so we had to use a capture pole. That is when he became aggressive.”

The couple [who turned the dog in to the shelter], however, disputes this.

“They put a leash on him and he jumped out and walked right in the place,” Dunn said. “It was a regular leash.”

[slams both feet on brakes]

Martin said he watched every move the dog made once unloaded at the Humane Society. From his account, Boost showed no sign of aggression.

“When they took it (pet taxi) off the truck they took a little old leash and put it on him,” Martin said. “He got out of the box and they went inside, walked down the hallway around in the back and that was the last I saw of him.”

Well ain't that somethin'? The director's lame excuse for killing the dog was paper thin at the outset anyway, but now *poof*


A lawsuit was filed May 26 against the shelter director and the Walker Co Humane Society.


There is an online petition to reform the shelter here.

I will post additional updates on this case as warranted.


  1. I'd say it's the Shelter Director who shows signs of being dangerous and aggressive. What's that you say? There's no room in the Walker County Jail? Hmmm...

  2. Well, i don't know what to say!! Something is screwed up somewhere and it sounds like it's Lane Reno. How's she gonna cover that? She seems to have an answer for everything.
