Monday, July 27, 2009

The NFL Straps Youth of America to Rape Rack

Michael Vick has been reinstated by the NFL. That is - the dog torturing, dog fighting, dog killing Michael Vick, who has never publicly expressed remorse for the horrific cruelty he inflicted upon his dogs, is once again primed to be in a position as role model to young people everywhere.

The NFL can suck it.


  1. I am so biting my tongue about the whole HSUS new paradigm thing...

  2. It's all about the Benjamins. If Vick had killed a kid in a DUI, and it turned out not to be his first offense, but he had used his money and influence to avoid being charged on any of the others, would we be here? I say yes. He'd do another plea, and rehab, and a 12 step, and find some organization to whore him out, and the League would welcome him back. I mean, hey, it not as if kicking him out will bring back the dead, right? I hate professional sports.

  3. trust Winograd NOT to hold back:

  4. I am so mad about this. I hate prfessional sports exactly for this reason, players get away with murder. They are supposed to be an example for our youth? Yea right. No wonder kids are gang bangers doing drugs and worse. Well if the pros can do it so can i!

  5. I'm not surprised. I'm a big NFL fan, but it is about the money and now the hypocrisy.

    The worst part is I find myself on the side of PETA.

  6. What goes around , comes around.
    Karma will get this murdering bastard one day. Vick may be able to weasel his way back into his old job but I doubt it`ll be that easy for him elsewhere.
    Canada has great football on t.v.and I`ll make sure to bypass any channel with NFL on it from now on. And thats too bad. NFL has some great players. Boycott works .

  7. This is exactly why I hate professional sports in this's just a bunch of ignorant jackasses who care about nothing but how much money they can bring in/earn. While I am upset that Goodell let him back, he's still not in any team yet. Even if he's signed by a team, you can bet that NFL just lost a lot of dog-loving fans. They'll never get a penny from me.
