Wednesday, August 12, 2009

80 Pitbulls Seized in IN Dogfighting Raids

The AP reports one man arrested in connection with the raids:

Authorities have seized about 80 pit bulls during raids at two southern Indiana sites suspected of breeding and training dogs for illegal fighting.

State police say dog carcasses and dog fighting paraphernalia were also seized when the Indiana Gaming Commission and other agencies executed search warrants Tuesday in Orange County.

Adam Parascandola of the Humane Society of the United States says many dogs had scars and marks consistent with fighting.

More info as I come across it...


  1. is it possible that all these raids are just a coincidence? Somehow I think not.. and I'm wondering if there's a connection to the upcoming Vick interview on 60 minutes.....

  2. Emily you read my mind. Obviously my tin foil has worn thin.

  3. ok, but YOU have to watch the 60 minutes interview and let us know; I don't think I can bear to...

    really, I am NOT a black helicopter person. But as the saying goes, even paranoics have enemies


    Who's hearing black helicopters now?
