Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dinner at Chez Dog

Yesterday I did some marathon dog food making (just a couple batches but I have a lot of dogs and I'm only a short distance runner) and wanted to share:

The first batch was a non-meat menu so I used a rice/squash/spinach base and added some chopped hard-boiled eggs and cottage cheese. I stirred in olive oil in the process.

For the second batch I used the same base and then did one of my classic "Hmm, what's in the back of the cupboard?" menus: Can of low salt wild rice & chicken soup, leftover chicken broth from the fridge, can of sardines in tomato sauce, two cans of chunk chicken breast and a can of Brandon Farms chicken.

And while I was dl'ing these pics from the camera, I found one Billy had snapped of Linus. He likes to roll in things (Linus I mean), and this one happens to be publishable:

Linus does not get along with other male dogs so we are hoping to find a single dog (or all girl) home for him. Besides rolling in things and fighting with other males, he also whines and barks. Contact me if interested! (He actually is a very good dog, maybe I shoulda said that first?)

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