Friday, August 14, 2009

For Those about to Boycott, We Salute You

Update, 8-15-09: The Eagles have apparently removed their list of corporate sponsors. Game on bitchez.

Original post:

Here is a clickable list of corporations who sponsor the Philadelphia Eagles. Take a moment to contact the ones you do business with and let them know why you'll no longer be supporting them.

Contact the Philadelphia Eagles directly here.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this! This is very helpful and I've already contacted the corporations I will no longer be patroning!

  2. this is very helpful - but also very upsetting when i saw the handful of corporations that i frequently patron - the chrysler, verizon comcast and best buy are the biggest killers for me. Sigh.

  3. I'll have to think about selling my Jeep. Ironic, because I chose it FOR my dogs.

  4. Write the letters and give them a chance to respond first before you write them off completely.

    These corporations haven't had much time to respond yet, so in your letter, give them the benefit of the doubt. You'll often get better responses if you side yourself with the person you're complaining to rather than assume the worst.

    So remind them that they have a lot of dog lovers in their customer base, and give them a little push, letting them know you're SURE they would never support such a thing.

  5. thanks for the link. there are 1/2 dozen or so products I sure am going to miss (sorry Snapple, I love you but not that much; ) & have already drafted a letter to our auto-insurer (Geico).

  6. I hope to hear back before I get another Taco Bell craving, but here's what I wrote.

    Please, in light of your Foundation for Teens, drop corporate sponsorship of the Philadelphia Eagles. Their hiring of Michael Vick is not a responsible message for kids to receive and I doubt that Taco Bell wishes to provide irresponsible support that is contrary to it's own foundations mandate to inspire teenagers to become caring educated and productive adults.

    I hope that, in the future, I will again be able to enjoy and support Taco Bell.

  7. Funny thing, I clicked on the link to Eagles Corporate Sponsors that I know worked earlier &... suddenly it goes to a blank page. Shame on us for thinking the Eagles wanted to know. Shame on them for thinking we would just forget about it. The corporate sponsors I can remember (or made a note of) are:

    Chrysler, Heineken, two different incarnations of Comcast, BestBuy, USAirways, Taco Bell, MasterCard, Snapple, Geico, Lincoln Financial Group, Sovereign-Santender, & Miller-Lite.

  8. The Eagles pulled the list. I have a copy up on my site along with links to contact information for every sponsor including Twitter accounts at:
