Monday, September 14, 2009

CA SB 250 (MSN) on Hold

Via Save Our Dogs:
The California Legislature is winding down for the year and SB250 has been placed on the inactive file. That means no further action until next year.
AKC puts it a bit more definitively:
Senator Dean Florez, the author of Senate Bill 250, has issued a press release stating that the bill will be put on hold until the legislature reconvenes in January 2010.
So I guess CA residents can give their fax machines a rest for a few months, at least regarding SB 250.


  1. They will be back. Like fleas. Like lice. Like malaria carrying mosquitoes.

  2. No, we CANNOT rest! Now is the time to meet with our elected officials & to educate them. We should also be taking time to meet with neighbors & the general public.

  3. I just said the fax machines could get a rest on this issue since constituents no longer have to fax in their opposition to their elected officials and urge them to vote no since the bill is not up for a vote. I'm all for education!

  4. We invite all of you to watch our blog at CDOCDogtalk to see what CDOC is doing during this time. By Wednesday we will have many Letters to the Editor to be sent. If your legislator was a No or ABSTAIN and you would like a letter to send, contact us at

    We will ber very busy over the fall but our fax machines will be resting.

    Cathie Turner
    Bill McFadden
