Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Pet Goat

No this isn't about the George W. Bush library and no it's not MY pet goat - she actually belongs to the neighbor's Pitbull and they both came over to spend the day in our front yard yesterday along with a couple of stray dogs. The goat was raised with the neighbor's six Pitbulls and she is apparently very loyal to this one:

The gang is all still here today (one of the strays is in heat) and I'm not sure what we're going to do. I called Animal Control yesterday about the strays but the way our AC works, you just leave a message and they respond... whenever. I'm guessing they won't be checking messages until Tuesday due to the holiday and wondering if perhaps the neighbors are out of town as well. One of the strays is emaciated but both are friendly. Oh the trials and tribulations of rural life.


  1. You'll really have to forgive me here, but I do find the goat laying on the roof of your car pretty friggin hysterical!

  2. The goat on the roof reminds me of the lion, Elsa, on the roof of the Land Rover in "Born Free."

  3. I certainly did not know this but goats (at least this one) can scramble up and down a car like nobody's business.

  4. gee, that's a nice looking pit bull... can't blame the goat at all.

    Maybe you could make some money on Worlds Funniest Animals...

    sorry I have no productive suggestions.. but it's such an endearing situation maybe the newspapers would be interested (and result in some adopters???)

  5. A steer wandered into our yard summer before last. Zip helped me herd it into the training yard and I called animal control. They called the local large animal vet and it turned out that the steer belonged to one of the vet techs, who is my neighbor.

    I love these small, rural towns where there are just two (not six) degrees of separation between absolutley everyone.
