Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Memphis Animal Shelter Abuse Photos


This pup was brought into the Memphis Animal Shelter on August 18, 2009:

This is the same pup on September 4. She was found dead in her cage:

Fuckity fuck fuck.

This was not a one off case. This shit has allegedly been going on for a long, long time.

I wonder if they're feeding the dogs NOW?

I can't help looking at that sweet face and seeing just the spot I'd like to leave lipstick on that pup - right between the eyes.



  1. Oh my fucking god. I don't know what else to say except that human heads should roll. No, that would be too kind.

  2. For crying out loud - there is a special place in HELL for people who do things like that to a living being. Who in the HELL do they think they are to treat an animal full of nothing but love in such a rotten manner. So help me - it's a good thing that I am at the Canadian border or I'd be down there and probably in jail for what I would have done to those people.

  3. Pitchforks and torches, people of Memphis! What the hell is keeping you from finding them and marching on that miserable excuse for a shelter and the governmental entity that keeps it like that!

  4. Why by gawd, it come into the pound sposed ta be an abused pit bull, we gonna make it look like an abused pit bull!

  5. Where is the H$U$? Don't they love to go in and bust abuse cases? Oh never mind, that's only when they are "puppy mills".

    Paula Grecco

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. The vast majority of animal shelters have no accountability, and no transparency. This kind of horror is the result.

    They get called martyrs and heroes by people simply because they call themselves a 'shelter', when in reality they're just animal impound and killing centers that refuse to implement even basic programs to help their animals stay healthy and get adopted.

    The average American taxpayer needs to wake up and demand better from our shelter system. Shelters have gotten away with blaming their killing on everyone else while denying there's anything wrong with their antiquated 'warehouse and kill' philosophy for TOO LONG.

    I'm sick of these stories. I'm also sick of the fact that not enough people SEE them to realize how dysfunctional their shelters are in many places in this country. Only when enough people get outraged enough can we force out the defeatist old guard and achieve No Kill in the U.S.

  8. So, so heartbreaking and horrifying. It breaks my heart that people "working for animals" can do this kind of thing. And how many unknown victims have gone unnoticed as well? Ugh, awful...

  9. i actually wish i hadn't seen this. Sometimes it's just too much

  10. Perverse. I'm wondering if the person behind the camera was also supposed to be feeding the animals. Or were those supposedly responsible for feeding the animals preventing the photographer from doing anything but secretly taking a couple of pictures of the animals they were abusing? WTF?! Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. Damn hiring quotas in Memphis.
    Put a certain race of people in any given position and those lazy f*ckers feel that they are owed something. We need change now, fire every one of those assholes, starting with the administration, and hire good, animal loving people. NO Kill, instead lets establish some government grants that allow volunteers to take forclosed property and establish more no kill shelters and adoption locations (far awy from the ghetto)

  12. Dear "Anonymous" bigot,
    Fuck off. Spew your asshatedness elsewhere.

  13. Starve the f*ckers responsible, starting with Ernest Alexander, Kenneth Moody, Angela Middleton and Ivan Russell. Starve them to death.

    And it won't even be a start on justice.

  14. I am completely aware these things go on everyday, but there is still a mixture of shock, rage, grief and above all when I see a photo like this. How can anyone watch another living creature die a slow, painful death? How do they sleep at night? How can they turn away and pretend not to see?

  15. Where is the outrage from the good and caring people in Memphis who are allowing this to happen and not throwing everyone out of office starting with the mayor, city council on down?

    I wish I had business or vacation plans in Memphis that I could cancel in outrage for the staggering cruelty that is being allowed to continue. Money talks! Pull your money out of Memphis. Unconscionable!
