Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dinner at Chez Dog

OK I made this awhile back and never dl'd the photo off the camera so here's what I think I put in this dish:
  • Manicotti stuffed with ricotta cheese, cottage cheese and carrots that had been put through the food processor, topped with shredded fresh mozzarella
  • Roma tomatoes, olive oil, and italian seasoning
It was my usual use-all-leftover-bits type meal and I remember I needed to use the manicotti because I was emptying the weevil cupboard.


  1. weevils? Is that what those are? Something is flying out of my cabinets.

  2. Kari - BYOD(og)B(owl)

    Jan - weevils don't fly. At least ours don't.

  3. Weevil cupboard! I find that hilarious! Looks might tasty though!
    Kasha and Africa

  4. You had me hooked until the weevil part. Oh, well! :-)
