Monday, December 21, 2009

Treats on the Internets

The No Kill Advocacy Center honors six no kill advocates with the Henry Bergh Leadership Award

Follow-up: The NY woman accused of torturing pets to death with her kids and charged with misdemeanors is now likely to be indicted on felony charges and as such, is being held on $100,000 bail

Oh, South Carolina!

Sad story in TX of the killing of an emotional support dog who belonged to a war hero - as is often the case, I doubt the penalty will fit the crime

Someone in MN thought it would be funny to glue a cat's paws to the highway

Action Alert: Some seized Pitbulls in a NM case have been reclaimed by owners, others have not and may be killed

FL high school kids make dog beds to get shelter dogs up off the floor


Not pet related: Snowflakes up close

1 comment:

  1. Some people are just gross wastes of oxygen. How about some "do unto others as you have done unto them" justice?
