Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wayne Puts the Smack Down

You guys! Oh my god you guys! I heard from Brent that over on the Wayne's World blog, Wayne posted a note that he was passing around Mrs. Pigglewiggle's class in 4th period. And in that note, he says that Marcie has a big butt - AHAHAHA! I mean, he doesn't actually say Marcie by name, in case Mrs. Pigglewiggle would have gotten hold of the note you know, but it's totes obvious he's talking about Marcie. And not only that, but you know how Marcie is so uppity and all "I'm Class President" and stuff? Well Wayne's now saying that he's the Class President and he thought of the whole idea of having a Class President and he's gonna get us beer at the prom! Isn't he teh awesome?
OK Code 9. G2G.


  1. I can't even try to write a coherent response to that entry, for fear my head will freakin' EXPLODE. HSUS=No Kill? Can I just reach out and SMACK Wayne Pacelle upside the head with a two by four???


    I need to re do my HSUS sucks sprout into something more 'HSUS fund raises off of dogs they have nothing to do with', but again - I get all incoherent and GAH! when I even think about it.

    It's like rage induced writer's block, and the only way I can get over it is to watch Pickle while she rolls on her back and bites Elliott on his ears.

    Also, I want to steal your button.

  2. What's mine is yours GF - steal away!

  3. Frogdogz, we're waiting for your new HSUS is teh sucks widget!

    YB: I think you've posted the only blog response possible to W

  4. LOL. I can't help but think you had more fun writing your post than I had writing mine :) I don't even like smacking around HSUS, but geez, how much stuff can they try to pull off in a short amount of time?

  5. Yes, I won't even try to top this post.

  6. ummmmmm

    lol! someone is really itching for a fight.

  7. Winograd and Pacelle have hated each other for years. The sniping between them is nothing new.

  8. Pai,
    Sniping aside, the idea that HSUS would try to co-opt the No Kill movement in a frikkin' BLOG POST is utterly ridiculous.

  9. Like, OMG, I so do not have a big butt.

  10. Oh, I don't deny that Pacelle is being a shameless revisionist scum. But to point to Nathan's post as 'itching for a fight' isn't exactly fair, because BOTH of them take shots at each other when the opportunity arises. It seems to me that Pacelle is the one who started the fight, the way he roundabout slammed Nathan in his little fairy-tale article.

    Of course, I'm on Team Nathan myself, so...

  11. Actually I think Winograd IS itching for a fight or he wouldn't be using provocative words like "liar". I think he's taunting Wayne into suing him. (which since Wayne does seem to be a demonstrable liar, HSUS would lose).
