Friday, January 8, 2010

CO Dog Stolen, Dragged to Death

In Colorado last month, 32 year old mom Melissa Lockhart allegedly stole 2 dogs from the bed of a pickup truck because she thought the dogs were "abandoned". A witness wrote down Lockhart's license plate number at the scene of the crime. One of the dogs ended up back home with the owners but the second dog, Buddy, was found dead at the CO National Monument.

Lockhart had reportedly taken Buddy to the home of her brother, 37 year old Steven Romero and told him to "get rid of the dog". Romero allegedly drove Buddy to the national park, tied him to the back of his truck and dragged him to death, dumping the remains at the side of a snowy road. Both Lockhart and Romero have been arrested. I'm guessing that because Romero tortured the dog to death in a national park, he may get sentenced to a term in federal prison. Lockhart will probably face a much lighter punishment for the theft of the dogs.


  1. What is wrong with people? Did she think the dogs were valuable? Or decided that she wanted to keep one, but not the other? Then why not just turn the other loose? Why transport it to her brother to have it killed? And why would he just take some dog she gave him and drag it to death?

    I swear, some days it seems that humans have lost the ability to THINK at all...

  2. Someone "abandoned" dogs in a pickup? Was the pickup "abandoned?"

    Did the parents feed these two a lot of paint chips growing up?

  3. Jan - One source I read indicated the owners were eating at a restaurant so I take it the truck was parked in a parking lot and that's how the quick thinking witness was able to get down the license plate number.
