Saturday, January 2, 2010

Dinner at Chez Dog

A warm meal for a cold night:
  • Applesauce (pictured) - I often seem to have a bag of old apples. I don't know what else to do with them but make applesauce. I added cinnamon and some salt substitute while cooking.
  • Oatmeal - In warmer weather I usually just soak oats overnight in liquid but it's nice in Winter to actually cook them plus it helps warm up the kitchen!
  • Yogurt - I usually make this once a week, a gallon at a time and then use it by the quart for dinners. It helps to cool off the oatmeal which stays hot for a long time after cooking.
I added flaxseed meal and calcium before serving.


  1. I think we'll have to try that one. I think Niki will manage to choke some down. ;0)
