Thursday, January 14, 2010

Treats on the Internets

The pdf of the complete Petsmart survey results is available. I was particularly interested in the details provided on pages 10, 15, 18, 19, 30 and 42.

Smartdogs has an excellent, detailed review of the oft cited University of PA study regarding "confrontational training methods" and the negative responses evoked in dogs

KC Dog Blog looks at the kill numbers in Los Angeles after the city's second year of mandatory spay-neuter - not good, again

Neat vid of dog who heads for safety ahead of recent earthquake in CA

Alaskan wildlife photographer notes that lone wolf plays with dogs

PETA is reportedly yanking the ad featuring an image of FLOTUS used without permission

Veterinary drugs recall expanded

The AVMA has a summary of animal related legislation in the US for 2009

I always knew

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