Friday, February 19, 2010

Another Cat Killer Gets No Jail Time

Remember this guy's name. I think we'll be hearing from him again.
Raymond Bagaybagayan [...] pleaded guilty in Rolling Meadows [IL] branch court to animal torture.
The 22 year old man beat 2 cats so severely last year they had to be euthanized. A third cat "suffered injuries after he sprayed a lime dissolving liquid in its face". The sentence? Probation and community service. As I say, we'll be hearing this name again - probably sooner rather than later.


  1. I cannot express in words how upsetting this sentence is. It is no wonder human beings escalate their abuse when they get a finger shaken at them ala tsk tsk shame-on-you-for-doing-that. What these animal abusers need is hard time in the clinker and mandatory psychotherapy and anger management. I hope the other human beings involved file a civil suit for distress or something. This sociopath needs a whole lot more punishment than was handed out today!

  2. Sickening.

    Someone here in CT was not prosecuted after shooting a BB gun at a neighbor's cat, then trapping the three cats and dumping them three towns over. The woman found two of the cats, but a third is still missing. She is, of course, livid.

    He admitted to police to baiting and abandoning them, but the Asst. State AG declined to press charges.

    I just don't get it.

  3. I'm curious about what wonderful community service this scumbag will perform.

  4. things like this revolt me beyond all and I simply cannot understand how anyone can see the suffering of a creature as so unimportant. One of my own cats was shot in the eye with a bb gun (she survived but is blind in one eye); we tried to press charges and the police refused ....

    and then we wonder about the malaise of cruelty in our society.

  5. Stories like this bring out the closet vigilante in me.

  6. Enough posts and stories like this, and I think the world would be better off without humans.
