Sunday, February 21, 2010

Be Seeing You, Daddy

Daddy, Cesar Millan's beloved Pitbull, has died at the age of 16. This is a time to pay respects to a truly awesome dog, the human-canine bond that was so evident to everyone and all the good public education Cesar and Daddy did for the breed. Shame on those who are using Daddy's death to take jabs at Cesar Millan's training techniques.

Thank you Cesar for sharing this special dog with us. Be seeing you, Daddy.


  1. Shame on those who are using Daddy's death to take jabs at Cesar Millan's training techniques.


    Lemme at 'em.

  2. Oh, that's so sad.

    I don't agree with some of the techniques CM uses - many of them - but there's no doubt that he's saved many lives of dogs that would have been euthanized otherwise.

    He and Daddy had a special bond, indeed, and anyone who has a dog and loves that dog knows what it's like to lose the spirit and soul that shares your life.

  3. oh, sweet sweet daddy! that brings a tear to my eye. bless his little pitty heart, and cm's too.

  4. And a dog that lived to be 16 had to have been well-cared for through his life. And it's never easy to lose a family member. :(

  5. Great photos -- thanks for sharing them.

    Also: what Heather said.

  6. I'm so sad. Daddy was a cool dog. I agree with Luisa. Great photos.

  7. He was one of those once in a lifetime dogs that we are blessed with sharing our lives with. He was your right hand dog!!!

  8. There's no alpha rolls in heaven, you know. It's only sunshine in lollipops. I bet Daddy's really happy about that.
