Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I didn't watch Westminster on TV so I don't know if this made the live broadcast or if it happened during a commercial break but:
Two protestors from the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals were hauled out of the center ring and charged with criminal trespass, according to The Associated Press, after interrupting the main event by holding up signs reading "Mutts Rule" and "Breeders Kill Shelter Dogs."
Breeders don't kill shelter dogs. PETA does. I'd like to put the number of shelter pets PETA has killed in the last 10 years on a protest sign and get on national TV but I doubt I could hold up such an immense sign.


  1. This is because PETA cons people into believing they save animals. When they hear the truth about PETA and their 95%+ kill rates, they're shocked.

  2. I didn't watch Westminster either, but I was glad that peta didn't thrown blood on Johnny Weir.

  3. It is amazing what you can do with ignorance and lies. PETA sucks.

  4. I saw it - a brief flash of some twenty something nitwit, grinning ear to ear and holding up a sign that said 'mutts rule'. It was during BIS, I think was the Brittany was going round.

    We're having our own mini ethical crisis over the Frenchie who took the Group 1st --

  5. Isn't that the same case that involves the mother of of John Edwards' bastard? Her dad had her horse electrocuted by the same guy?

    Yes. Yes it is.

  6. That's the one. Marion Hulick is disgustingly non repentent - she still claims it was all a 'misunderstanding', she was railroaded, her boss forced into it, blah blah blah.

    And no one wants to make it into a big deal, because, gee, we don't want to piss off Shelley and James and the other people who've happily sold her dogs.

    It's as if Michael Vick started showing horses, and all the horse enthusiasts said was "Well, I'm sure he's sorry, and that was all *such* a long time ago, and he's *such* a nice man, and he'd never treat his horses like he did those dogs".

  7. Or kinda like Michael Vick went on to play football and his teammates gave him a humanitarian award because all that was all *such* a long time ago, and he's *such* a nice man, and he'd never treat kids like he did those dogs"

  8. I'm surprised the PETA groupies didn't dress up like Nazis or Klansmen, which is what they did last year.

  9. "Or kinda like Michael Vick went on to play football and his teammates gave him a humanitarian award "

    - Good point.

  10. PETA should have compromised with Johnny Weir and let him choose one of the thousands of dog skins they have to choose from out of their slaughter house.
