Friday, March 19, 2010

Is This a Fair Evaluation?

Reminder: This blog is now living at


How would you expect a dog who looked like this to score in a shelter evaluation? To find out how this dog actually scored and what will happen to her as a result, click here.

Every shelter dog deserves a fair evaluation.


  1. That poor dog looks half-dead from starvation now. What idiot would give a starving dog food and then expect to be able to take it away???

  2. What is extra sad is its not even hard to teach a dog food bowl aggression isn't the best option.
    If a dog learns it gets more and better food by allowing people to approach the bowl it pretty quickly gives up the food bowl aggression and is delighted when people approach and handle the bowl.
    Dogs do what works - if growling works they do that, if allowing people to take the bowl or touch it has better consequences they do that instead... Its not hard...

  3. how this happen to the dogs in the shelter home???
