Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Want a Clown, Pony Rides, and a Magician

It's my one year Blogger birthday and this is my 200th post.  Wow.  So let me see, if I calculate the average time spent writing each post times my hourly wage for pajama blogging... [carry the eight, round to nearest dollar] - got it:  Oh.  Never mind.  

Thank you to those who read, those who write, and you who have been kind enough to add me to your blogrolls/feeds.  I won't take the responsibility lightly (unless I'm tired, hungry or distracted - oh look:  SpArKly!)


  1. Fur she's a jolly good fellow, Fur she's a jolly good fellow ...

    Clowns are creepy.

  2. Urk, clowns. Perish the thought.

    In honor of your birthday, I shall bake a cake. Of course, I'll also have to eat it. The sacrifices one has to make...

  3. If I nix the clown, can we all have cake?

  4. Happy birthday and please continue to write informative posts and to maintain your passion for the dogs who need you.

  5. Congratulations! Them posts do add up, don't they? ;0)
