Thursday, March 5, 2009

Open Thread for Vigil Held in Raleigh

I will add to this post today as I come across stories about last night's vigil in Raleigh, NC in honor of the Wilkes Co dogs killed after HSUS lobbied for their deaths.

WNCT has a short vid and blurb, so does News 14.

ABC-11 has a longer vid and story on the memorial:

It all comes after 145 dogs, including 75 puppies, were seized from Wildside Kennels in Wilkes County and euthanized last month.

It was a dogfighter's breeding operation, so automatically the dogs and the puppies were destroyed.

Now the humane society is pushing for a new policy. They are calling for all seized fighting dogs to be examined as individuals and not as a collective lot.

Oh, um vomit. If by "the humane society", you mean The Humane Society of the US, let's be clear: Many people and groups wanted to save these dogs. HSUS wanted them killed. HSUS succeeded and then couldn't understand why people didn't think that was swell and might not keep writing checks to a group who goes to court to make sure "rescued" bust dogs die. Now they're saying they may change their ways. We'll see.

NBC-17 brings the stupid:

Those who are pushing for a change in the law say it's outdated and lacks compassion.

But others say, once a dog's been trained to kill it's really difficult to rehabilitate it.

Linda Labonte is one of those people. After breeding and training dogs for over two decades, she knows the difference between violent aggression and just plain acting out. And she says the average Pit Bull bred for dog fighting is almost impossible to rehabilitate.

Or not.

Brought up from the comments, video tribute to the dogs on YouTube.

Another video posted to YouTube by Best Friends and an article on their website.

1 comment:

  1. A tribute to the slaughtered Wildside Dogs.

    Forever Missed, Never Forgotten
