Monday, August 3, 2009

400+ Seized Dogs Await Judgment

Article on the recent multi-state dogfighting bust:

Last week, specialists completed behavioral evaluations of the more than 400 dogs that are temporarily being held near St. Louis. After receiving recommendations from the Humane Society, expected later this month, federal judges will decide the fates of those dogs and the 39-and-counting puppies born since the raids.

The ASPCA's Randall Lockwood, who also analyzed pit bulls in the Vick case, said that most dogs from fighting operations go into foster homes or special sanctuaries for further care. Eventually, some dogs may be safe for the general public to adopt.

Lockwood said that usually, as in the Vick case, some especially sick or aggressive dogs must be euthanized.

Since none are being adopted out to the public straight away, what's the rush to kill? Couldn't we let them ALL live at least until they have a chance to get acclimated to their new routines and surroundings? I can't see any harm in that. If any dogs are killed based upon some pass/fail type evaluation, that does a disservice to the whole idea of evaluating dogs. Individual tests are not intended to be pass/fail - they are a guide to determining a future direction for each dog. Pass/Fail temperament tests are just an excuse to kill to my mind and we have enough of those excuses already. As for the "39-and-counting puppies" born since the seizures, I am assuming they are all guaranteed a chance for rescue. HSUS doesn't kill bust puppies anymore, right?

The article gives an overview of some other recent dogfighting busts as well:

At Wildside Kennels in North Carolina, authorities seized more than 100 of Faron's dogs. Many of the dogs were "significantly scarred" and at least one had a broken jaw.
Broken jaws are treatable, last I heard. And scarring is nothing in comparison to the pile of carcasses HSUS left after killing every last one of these dogs, including puppies still nursing from their dams.

But they don't mention that - they never do. So I will bring it up. Because dead dogs can't speak for themselves. And I won't forget.


  1. If these dogs keep the kennels at the local shelters filled for weeks or months then euthanasia rates of other dogs will actually go up due to a lack of space.

    For those of us that care about all dogs, and not just pit bulls, this is unacceptable.

  2. i was actually just looking on info about this- so the dogs are being eval'ed- what is the status of the dogs? have they been surrendered? or have they become property of the state in some other way?

  3. Allison: Good news! I too care about all dogs, not just Pitbulls. And more good news! No dogs of any breed have to be killed to make space for other dogs in shelters. Ever. They can be adopted out instead - isn't that great info to know?!

    themacinator: I don't know the status of all the dogs (don't even know an exact number) but at least some of the dogs have been signed over by the owners, according to reports.
