Monday, August 3, 2009

HSUS on Twitter

HSUS recently presented a "Taking Action for Animals" (TAFA) Conference in VA. One thing I learned from following Tweets on the topic: 1000 lawyers donate their services to support HSUS.

From Michael Markarian, President of the Humane Society Legislative Fund, Twitter name "mmarkarian":

Had a great time at #TAFA reception and Pro Bono Litigation Awards tonight. Thanks to all law firms who did amazing pro bono work for HSUS.

From Jennifer Fearing of HSUS, Twitter name "HumaneCA":
Appreciating the awesome work of the 1,000 pro bono attorneys who work to protect animals, supporting our litigation section. #TAFA

Imagine if we could get 1000 attorneys to donate their services defending the rights of pet owners against HSUS. Maybe the folks in IN who had their dogs seized by the Attorney General, sold to HSUS under a "do not disburse" order and then apparently disbursed by HSUS might have a chance to get their dogs back.

And on the subject of HSUS Tweets, this one inspired a post of thanks from Local Humane.


  1. Doing Pro Bono for a $100+ million outfit is hardly altruistic.

  2. such a great blog from local humane that they had to retract it, simply because they have no idea how twitter works?

    rule #1 - know the medium.

  3. Ahhh Carie, making friends as always. Keep it up, oh great and powerful ambassador... you'll help seal your employer's fate.

  4. Carie, as the Internet Marketing Manager for the HSUS, it says a great deal about the attitudes of the Humane Society of the United States that you respond as you do when it is pointed out that the HSUS is not directly affiliated with local humane societies.

    If David Cantor can be civil on my site, a person with far more extreme views that the HSUS claims, why can the HSUS marketing specialists not be civil on other people's sites?
