Thursday, October 8, 2009

Food Porn, Part Two

Excerpt from The Gentleman's Dog - His Rearing, Training and Treatment by C.A. Bryce, A.M., M.D. published in 1909:

(click images to enlarge)

Previously in this series:
Food Porn (Part One)


  1. The dog bread recipe is fascinating.

  2. I enjoyed that too. I can't imagine bringing home a cow's head for boiling though. Pretty sure I don't have a cow head sized pot. Anyone know what "shorts" are exactly? I know shortbread cookies are primarily made of butter so maybe it refers to some kind of fat?

  3. I love this stuff, and hopefully you can find more. This is how people fed dogs for thousands of years, more or less... but now most of us don't even have parents who remember a time when there was no "dog food" or "cat food", it was all just "food".
