Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dinner at Chez Dog

We've got weevils. (Don't worry, that's not what's for the dog dinner.) They can apparently get into most anything and I don't know how we're going to get rid of them. For starters, I'm trying to cook everything in the cupboard to diminish their food supply. Unfortunately this also diminishes our food supply so I'm not sure what the end game here is exactly. At any rate, I boiled up every kind of pasta we had in the cupboards. (Note: Weevils float to the top of the pan as soon as you dump the pasta in so you can skim them out if you don't want the added protein.) I then cooked up some spinach, carrots and yellow squash and stirred them in. Minced parsley, yogurt and cottage cheese were added and I topped each dog's bowl off with a couple hunks of mozzarella. Add calcium and oil (I used fish oil caps for this meal) and serve.


  1. We have them too. I'm going along with that "added protein" thing though.

  2. No weevils, but we've got mice. We've put all of our dry food stuffs into tupperware containers (well, knock off tupperware we got from the dollar store).

    Would that work on weevils?

  3. Weevils don't just add protein - they can also "add" E. coli. Be sure to cook anything they've been in REALLY well before eating it.

    We store all of our dry goods in sealable, reuseable containers. Helps control weevils, mice and all the other little unwanted free loaders.

  4. I don't know if I'm using the wrong kind of tupperware or what but mine does not keep weevils out. I've put rice, quinoa, flour, etc in various types of sealed plastic containers and the weevils apparently come and go at will. We've got some tape up in the cupboards now to see if we can catch any but so far nada.
