Saturday, November 21, 2009

Treats on the Internets

Another "Uga" - the University of GA Bulldog mascot - has died. He was 4 years old.

Animal terrorism indictment for MN man likely linked to IA research facility break-in

Veterinarians in Morgan Co, CO work with local rescue to offer low cost neutering

Marion Nestle reminds us there is ONE FOOD SUPPLY and all us mammals eat from it

AVMA has a page for news on H1N1. Some cats and ferrets have contracted the virus and one cat has died.

Woman in Scotland stabbed her dog because he was barking, had her pets taken from her as a result, and now has gotten them back. She was reportedly "under a lot of stress".

For those wanting to know more about Pets Alive, the sanctuary that offered to take Oreo, they have a nice slideshow.

Bill proposed in Ontario to repeal the dreadful Pitbull ban


  1. Poor Ugas. Hopefully the overheating Ugas and early death will make people think twice about buying one.

  2. The photo of Uga I saw showed he was terribly overweight. I don't know who was caring for him, but that was probably the cause of his heart attack. He didn't die of heat stroke. Bulldogs are wonderful dogs and sadly, I think in the past 10 years judge's preferences have led to even less healthy dogs. The trend could be reversed in a few generations and the good qualities of the dog preserved.
