Saturday, November 28, 2009

Food Porn, Part Four

Shots of both sides of an old bag of kibble sent to me by a generous commenter on the Pet Connection blog. The bag arrived with what appears to be kibble crumbs still inside! I accidentally washed the bag (and the envelope - ahem) and interestingly, the kibble crumbs were still clinging inside after the coming out the washer. Sorry I don't have a date on the bag but here is a tidbit on the company:
In the early 20th century, Chappel Brothers of Rockford, Ill., supplied canned horse meat to the hungry citizens of France, Holland and Italy -- and exported the scraps back to the United States as dog food. Chappel Brothers marketed Ken-L Ration and at its apex slaughtered more than 50,000 horses a year.
For the PetFoodiCurious, more tidbits on Chappel Bros (and general history of dog food) can be found here, here and here.

And while we're looking at old dog food packaging and advertising:



Previously in this series:
Food Porn (Part One)
Food Porn, Part Two
Food Porn, Part Three


  1. I got two of these! I'm going to put both in a frame (one showing the front and the other the back of the bag) and hang them in the training center.

    Very nice woman. Didn't even want me to send her free goodies in return.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. They were allowed to be more vague on labels back then, eh. I wonder what 'whole cereals' they used.

  4. I ran across this page today with a lot of bits about feeding dogs from old books and I knew you'd be interested in it, if you haven't seen it before:

  5. Thank you Jess! I will check it out.
