I just love these
nutjobs who are all anti-government until they want clean drinking water or a road to drive on or a way to get across a river besides swimming. And who do they call when their barn goes up in flames? The government, of course:
[William] Stewart's criminal activities were first discovered by White County authorities when they responded to a fire at a barn on his property Thursday night. After the smoke dissipated, they say they discovered evidence of dog fighting, two boa constrictors, more than 100 marijuana plants each worth $1,000, a trailer dubbed "The Romance Club," nearly 40 loaded weapons and anti-government pamphlets.
William Stewart was reportedly known in dogfighting circles as "Rushin' Bill" and
published a dogfighting magazine called
The Pitbull Reporter for many years.
Deputies Thursday found a pit bull fighting ring, two dogs and enough chains for 40 more.
Deputies say all the weapons were loaded proving Stewart was ready to defend his property, but they say he killed himself before there was any confrontation.
The two dogs were saved.
Justice served without a trial. I'm glad the dogs were saved and hope they can find homes.
Well... that's very interessting but frankly i have a hard time understanding it... wonder what others have to say..
I hope the boas were saved, too.
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